Germaine Tarver is the author of If It's Magic, a young adult fiction novel that centers on and celebrates girls of color. Having grown up sharing a love for literature and education with her Mother and an appreciation for Jazz and other genres of music with her Father, it's no surprise that Germaine's first published work as an author involves all of these elements.
If It's Magic tells the story of 15-year-old Nina Winslow, a gifted musician who uses music to survive the seemingly insurmountable pressures of life. In addition to being a transfer student in an unwelcoming new high school, Nina also struggles making her way through a life of daily emotional, and sometimes physical, bullying.
If It's Magic ultimately is a testimony to the notion that the more we overcome, the stronger we become, and that with great courage anything is truly possible!
This self-published work of fiction has been successfully sold and distributed to a number of school districts, organizations, and readers of various ages. Many districts have purchased this important book for their middle school students, whose comments and conversations unanimously confirm the importance of this powerful story to the lives of young people.
Author: Germaine Tarver
© Purple Rose Prose Publishing
E-book available on Amazon Books
Throughout her career as an Educator and Administrator, Germaine Tarver has authored book discussion guides for teachers to utilize as additional tools for lessons within school districts. As a self-published author, Germaine also authored full Teacher Guides for multiple grades to accompany the release of her book. Her Teacher Guides were skillfully aligned to New Jersey Student Learning Standards and have been used in multiple districts within the state.
Now, as PRP CEO & Literacy Lead, Germaine has successfully honed this skillset and currently offers PRP Consulting's authoring services of Teacher and Discussion Guides to Publishing Companies. She has authored guides for published and soon to be released children's books, middle school books, & young adult material.
Below are examples of books Germaine has had the opportunity to create teacher and parent guides for.
[Grade 8 Teacher Guide]
Author: Germaine Tarver
© Purple Rose Prose Publishing
E-book available on Amazon Books
[Grade 9-10 Teacher Guide]
Author: Germaine Tarver
© Purple Rose Prose Publishing
E-book available on Amazon Books